Junk is a Web3 token developed and deployed for the market place and Block Platform.
Junk will feature tokenomics similar to other tokens in the marketplace. With the exception that it will also have mechanisms built in to reward holders from the block junkies network. On face value, the token will function just as any other coin in the marketplace. With the exception that holders from the block platform will receive additional benefits, such as interest and discounted transaction rates.
Currently this is in the pipe-line. The mechanisms to manage the token are currently under testing and development. As far as time-wise, the token is still out on the horizon. As we are testing some pretty unique mechanics to govern the tokens perpetuity. Basically we are running test on exotic economic mechanics atm. We want to make sure that we safeguard the token to the best of our abilities. As well as create a token, which has the potential to guaranteed yield over the passage of time.
Junk will be stealth launched and airdropped to everyone who is holding content from the Block Junkies Platform. The amount that will be airdropped will be based upon the amount and type of content you are holding from the platform.
Its easy to say ETH. However, we are still investigating what works best for our community. We may actually release flavors. It will depend on the results from the studies we are currently conducting.
It will be hundreds of millions, to a few billion. Again, we are going to do what's best for the community.
Yes, the moment the foundation is solid for the token. We will release a whitepaper behind the mechanics integrated into the token. As well as the tokens short and long term objectives. This will be published several weeks before we will begin airdropping to holders. So when you see the white paper on here. You will know the airdrop is around the corner.
Your early! You may browse around. Content links are not active yet. We are currently updating this site to prepare for our upcoming drop(s).